What is wrong with people? Poor graphics? No motive? Screen too small?
It's a classic video game style. 8 bit is amazing. It's not supposed to be over the top with 3-dimensional special effects. In my opinion, i thought the author stayed true to this specific style and managed to pulled it off swiftly.
Appreciate an art form.
No motive? Obviously you didn't bother to spend an extra, 5 or so seconds to try and figure it out. It's not that difficult. If you're one of the many who just open portal submissions for the sake of save/blam points and don't take the time to actually care enough to thoroughly critique. Don't waste the author's time with an unnecessarily negative review.
Screen too small? The title of this game is "PocketZeldaStationAdvent" - (POCKET ZELDA!) Honestly. For 3 hours worth of work, this is fairly impressive.
Why is it so hard to understand the contention of this submission?
Well i personally, enjoyed it quite a bit.
Overall. Inviting, pleasant and amusing. Very nice way to pass a bit of time.